
Christmas countdown!

This week the Whio children have been getting very excited about Christmas and the holidays!  On Monday they were very busy creating their Christmas countdown calendars. We worked out there were 19 days left until Christmas!

Ahuriri Visits

Each year the Ahuriri children come to visit the Whio studio. They get to have a look at our space, play with our equipment and their old friends from Ahuriri and meet their possible teachers for next year. It was amazing to see the Whio children being such role models today and really looking after our visitors. We are so proud of them. The Ahuriri children will come for a few more studio visits before the end of the year.


This week we have continued with our technology/ maths inquiry - using bee bots, apps and unplugged activities. The children have had a chance to have a go at all three activities on a few different occasions. It has been lovely to see the children working so well with different children from their T groups. The children have worked really hard to problem solve if they have found the coding/ instructions didn't quite work the first time.  Ka pai Whio!

Whio's Book Character Day dress up

  We have loved dressing up today as our favourite book characters!  

Firewise Visit from The NZ Fire Service

Today we were lucky enough to have 6 fire fighters from the Wigram Station come to school and share the Firewise programme with us. We all learnt some very important things-  Candles, matches and lighters are tools NOT toys (so are for grown ups only)  When the smoke alarm goes off we have to shout "Fire! Fire! Fire!" then we get down, get low, and get out.  Make sure your family has a safe meeting spot once you get out (the letterbox is a great choice). When you are asleep you cannot smell smoke- this makes smoke detectors essential.  We also got to see the fire truck and they explained all the special tools and equipment they have on board. The children got to ask lots of great questions and share some experiences too. 

Bee Bots are so much fun!

 This week for maths we are loving learning about coding. Using programmes on the Ipads, Bee Bots and an 'unplugged' activity we have been making code.  Here we are using the Bee Bots. Check out how focussed we are on the task!