
Showing posts from May, 2021

Open Door Friday Week 4

 We love having Open Door Friday! Here are some of the adventures we got up to today while we were ACTIVE playing.  T10's student teacher Ms McFarlane made volcanoes with a group of children. It was Olivia's last day today and we have loved having her with us in Whio. She will be greatly missed! 

Special visit from Music with Michal

 Today in Huritini we had a very special visit from one of our favourite performers, Michal. We loved listening to all our favourite songs (Kindness, The Seagull Song and Dinosaur Zoo and more) and a few new ones too (Brave). Michal was very impressed by how well our children could sing along to her songs. We loved our visit from Michal and will continue to enjoy singing her songs in our studio. Thanks to Mr McCallum who organised this for us!  If you want to check out some of Michal's songs here are some links- Kindness Song   Brave Song:    Dinosaur Zoo Song   


The children in Whio LOVE to play dodgeball. Every Tuesday we have time in the hall and the children often ask to play dodgeball. It is great to see them being honest when they are 'out' and to hear the children encouraging their peers.

Whio's Kindness Wall

 Today in Whio we created a special 'Wall of Kindness'. The children all wrote on a heart shape how they are kind. They then got to add it to the wall. We think it looks great!

Bully free posters by Whio

 Today in Whio we had fun being creative making Bully-free posters with our own special messages. Check some of them out below!  

Year 0-2 Fun Run

 Today we had the Tear 0-2 fun run at school. We have been training to be ready for this since the start of the term and the children were excited to race! They all ran around the school boundary completing fun fitness activities along the way. Each group had a support person in the front and at the back from our wonderful Year 5/6s. There was so much cheering from other learning teams as the children made their way around the school it was very encouraging. It was wonderful to have so many mums, dads and other whanau members there also to cheer the children along. I think every child felt very proud of themselves as they crossed the finish line!  Lining up ready to race! And we're off.... Here's the finish line! Whio children after the race.