
Showing posts from March, 2021

The Easter Bunny has arrived!

 Today we made super cute Easter bunnies by tracing around our hands and cutting them out. It was great for us to practise our scissor skills by cutting them out. Once they were made and decorated the children created bunny houses from the maths equipment.                             

Phoebe shares a story!

Today during our library time Phoebe did an amazing job reading a story with Mr McCallum (her Dad) to the children from T11 and T12. The story was called "What is inside this Box" and we all LOVED listening to them read it. We are super proud of how well you did Phoebe!

Building creations as tall as we can....

 Today for maths play the children could use any maths equipment to build something as tall as possible. They came up with some awesome designs, and some very tall ones! 

How tall are we?

 Today in Whio we did an activity where the children all drew a picture of themselves and measured how tall they are. There was a surprising range of heights! The children also had fun measuring themselves with pieces of string. We even managed to measure Mr Naysmith and Mrs Zelas as they came through our studio.   

Measurement Fun!

 This week some of our maths was focused on measurement. One of the tuna we trapped at Nottingham Stream was 96cm long. We noticed that 96cm is almost 1m long! So we had a treasure hunt around the studio and the playground for things that were the same, longer and shorter than 1m using metre rulers. We drew some tuna that were 1 metre and 2 metre outside with chalk to see the actual size. Then on Thursday, we used lots of different maths equipment to make things that were longer and shorter and then comparing what we had made. We were great mathematicians using estimation, team work, talking and problem-solving together! 

Action Planning with Jenny

On Monday Jenny from the Working Waters Trust came back to see Whio to talk about tuna following our stream immersion day.  We thought about what we didn't like about our stream and what we really liked. Some of things we didn't like were that there was too much algae and not enough native plants to provide shade. Then we brainstormed some actions we can take to help. Jenny sometimes does this work with adults too and she said the kids often come up with the best ideas!    


As a part of our daily program the children participate in mindfulness activities, this is a chance for us to  focus on calming our bodies and our minds so we are ready for learning.

Eel Art

Over the week the children have been artists.  They followed three steps to complete their art. First the children had to think about what we saw down at the stream, they then had to think about size and shape. The children started with pencil, followed by vivid and then water colour. We think they have done an amazing job!