Pause, Breathe, Smile

 This week in Whio we have started our Pause, Breathe, Smile programme. We are learning how to be mindful and to 'be in the moment'. Using a mindfulness bell the children have been doing special breathing (straight-back-soft belly) and mindful movements. One of the real highlights for the children was when we did some mindful eating with chocolate (or raisins)! The children had to think about the texture and appearance of the uneaten food, colours and smells. They had to pay attention to bodily sensations (especially in the mouth) in response to looking at and smelling the food. Then they got to taste! 

We will be continuing with our Pause, Breathe, Smile lessons each week for the rest of the term. 

Mindful breathing 

Mindful Movements

Mindful Eating 


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