Scooter Safety Program

The Huritini children were lucky enough to be part of a 'pilot' scooter safety program run by the Christchurch City Council and sponsored by Micro.

They covered the '10 Golden Rules for Safer Scooter Riding' through fun and interactive games.

The children came back buzzing from the sessions with lots to share back with their peers and teachers.

'I learned when cars come out of their driveways to get off my scooter quickly' - Quinn and Arya.

'I liked playing Sneak up Granny and learning how to stop safely' - Isla and Sami.

They talked about safety equipment, the different parts of the scooter and how to use them properly,  keeping a safe distance around intersections and driveways and riding in the wet weather.

Each child was given a certificate for their participation.


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